Thursday 30 November 2006

Welcome to the new Holistic Centre blog, which will contain updates about things going on at the Holistic Centre Godalming.

On Sunday 19th November we had a very successful free taster day in which over 50 sessions were taken in therapies including yoga, astrology, osteopathy and indian head massage. We plan on holding another day sometime in the new year and if you would like to reserve a place then please email us at The therapies on offer haven't yet been decided so if you have any favourites that you would like to try, please let us know.

Recently we have seen the return to the Centre of Keith Graham who is a certified rolfer. Keith worked at the Centre previously for a couple of years and left to pursue his clinics in Petersfield, Guildford and on the Isle of Wight. We are very happy to welcome him back as one the best Rolfers in the country. Keith shall be working at the Centre every Thursday from 3pm until late, though by arrangement can be available earlier if necessary.

For those that do not know about Rolfing I have included an exert from our website, written by Keith, which should explain it in further detail:

Why Rolfing Works

Rolfing offers a chance to change, not only on a structural level but more profoundly; Rolfing effects the emotional and spiritual body too. Although the goal of Rolfing is not to “fix” but to balance, a recent survey of my past clients showed that over three quarters of those that came with a specific issue went away pain free or with a significant (over 60%) improvement.

In general, a Rolfer is concerned with three things: Structure, coordination and perception.


Rolfers have a unique understanding of the myofascial structure particularly of the fascial web, which forms a network connecting the entire body. Muscles that are tense and connective tissue which is too tight will pull bones out of place and restrict joint mobility. It is of little use putting the bones back if the tissues which pull on them are not balanced first.


For every muscle which contracts to move a joint, another one, somewhere else must be able to relax by degrees to allow the movement. In the human body 610 muscles must coordinate the movement of 210 bones - this is an incredibly complex procedure. Injury, poor posture and lack of awareness can effect coordination, causing muscles to work against each other, making movement difficult and clumsy and most importantly, wasting valuable energy.


Our internal self image is the sum total of our lives so far and may reflect past or current trauma, learned behaviour from childhood or false beliefs about ourselves and the world around. Rolfers are trained to differentiate structural imbalance from emotional layering and to deal sensitively with perceptual challenges, working only with what is available and not forcing or encouraging change before the person is ready to accept it.

If you wish to book an appointment call the Centre on 01483 418103 or to find out more about Rolfing in the UK please go to or call Keith on 01983 862004

Check out our website at for more information on everything else we offer.