Thursday 7 June 2007

Free Taster Day

On Saturday 30th June between 10.00am and 4.30pm we shall be holding a Free Taster Day.

This will be an opportunity for the public to come to the Centre and try out some of the therapies on offer and have their questions answered. The therapies on offer will be:

Osteopathy, Yoga, Sports Massage, Reflexology, Pregnancy Yoga, Acupuncture, Tarot Card Readings, Remedial Massage, Stress Management, Post-Natal Yoga.

Spaces are limited so advanced bookings are advised.

The Holistic Centre
Wiggins Yard
Bridge Street
Surrey GU7 1HW

Tel: 01483 418103

Monday 4 June 2007

Yoga and Pregnancy by Irena Koluzs

Society today is moving towards a natural, organic environment to enhance life in health and lifestyle. Attending yoga classes has become an important tool for pregnant ladies to seek out ways to improve their chances of a healthy and relaxed pregnancy. Preparation in yoga classes follows to give your babies less intervention with drugs and monitors to allow birth to proceed in a natural, relaxed manner with the back up of hospital care.

Check out The Birthlight organization ( ) to which I belong to as a yoga teacher.

Pregnancy or Ante-Natal yoga is a wonderful tool to have to achieve a relaxed pregnancy, labour and a natural delivery of the baby and placenta. Labour tends to be easier and sometimes shorter if the Mother has attended yoga classes. A birth rehearsal evening on Thursday, 14th June and 5th July for you to learn breathing techniques to keep calm and your partner to learn massage! If you are curious about taking up yoga then come to the TASTER DAY on 30th June at the Centre.

Yoga Energy and the importance of breathing Increases your energy and vitality through postures and breathing from pregnancy to labour.

Relaxation to overcome stress, sleepless nights and bond with baby.

Classes are on Mondays and Tuesdays - Sign up at the Holistic Centre or email Irena direct for further information:

Wednesday 30 May 2007

Godalming Town Fete

The Holistic Centre shall be partaking in Godalming Town Fete this Saturday (2nd June 2007). A few of our therapists shall be there offering advice and taster sessions, along with many other displays and stalls organised by Godalming Round Table.

The Fete starts at 12pm and runs until 4pm on the Burys Field in Godalming. The weather forecast says we should be in for some good weather so please come done and enjoy the show.

Monday 2 April 2007

Free Taster Day

On Saturday 28th April we shall be holding another of our Free Taster Days

On offer will be:

Yoga, Swedish Massage, BodyTalk, Channelled Reading, Reiki, Spiritual Development, the Game of Now, Co-coaching, Hypnotherapy.

Places are limited so we recommend advance booking.

Call the Centre on 01483 418103

Friday 23 March 2007


Coming up at The Holistic Centre

Co-coaching training.

Learn tools and techniques to become your own life-coach.

Next course: Four Sundays - 13 May, 3 & 24 June and 8 July* (last date to be confirmed). Cost: £250 (£200 concessions).

Co-coaching open days:

Find out more about co-coaching and learn some basic skills before committing to the full training course.

Next sessions: Sunday 20 May (theme: relationships) and Sunday 17 June (theme:storytelling). If popular, co-coaching open days will run at The Barn on the second Sunday of every other month from September. Cost: £20 (£10 trained co-counsellors).

Please call Tonya to find out more on 0791 900 6845 or email
For more on co-coaching (or ‘co-counselling’) go to

Tuesday 20 February 2007

Free Taster Day

Saturday 3rd March 2007 10.30 - 16:00

Most people have heard about complementary health treatments, but with the vast range available it is sometimes hard to know which is the one to go for.

The Holistic Centre in Godalming, to help people find out more, is holding a free taster day on Saturday 3rd March 2007 between 10.30am and 4pm, in which many of their therapies will be available for free.

Available will be reflexology, a therapy that works on the feet, stimulating "reflex points" allowing the corresponding organ, gland, muscle, bone or system to be accessed and re-balanced.

Also available will be Chirokinetic Therapy, which is a revolutionary therapy that among other things tests the body for allergies and works to treat them. Pilates is a physical fitness system that works to develop one’s core postural muscles, which in turn strengthens and realigns the body.

For those people who want a massage that is firmer, deeper and more therapeutic, then Remedial Massage will be for them, whilst those looking for an exploration into the mysteries of their dreams will like Dream Analysis that will look into what they are and what they mean.

Acupuncture, although often described as a means of pain relief, is in fact, used to treat people with a wide range of illnesses and problems. And finally there is ChiBall that is a unique exercise technique incorporating ancient Eastern techniques with modern exercise concepts.

More information and appointments that can be booked in advance call 01483 418103 or see

Tuesday 16 January 2007

The Holistic Centre Lectures

We have a couple of talks coming up, which are as follows...

On Friday 9th February at 6.30pm our Astrologer Emma Raye will be presenting a talk called,

'What is astrology, what can it do for you?'

This introductory talk gives an overview of the practise of astrology, how it works and the principles behind it. Aimed at all levels including those with no astrological experience, all are welcome so see you there!

And then on Friday 23rd February at 6.30pm psychoanalysist Leslie Chapman will be presenting a talk on

Dream Analysis

Tickets are £5.00 per person and are available from The Holistic Centre.