Monday 4 June 2007

Yoga and Pregnancy by Irena Koluzs

Society today is moving towards a natural, organic environment to enhance life in health and lifestyle. Attending yoga classes has become an important tool for pregnant ladies to seek out ways to improve their chances of a healthy and relaxed pregnancy. Preparation in yoga classes follows to give your babies less intervention with drugs and monitors to allow birth to proceed in a natural, relaxed manner with the back up of hospital care.

Check out The Birthlight organization ( ) to which I belong to as a yoga teacher.

Pregnancy or Ante-Natal yoga is a wonderful tool to have to achieve a relaxed pregnancy, labour and a natural delivery of the baby and placenta. Labour tends to be easier and sometimes shorter if the Mother has attended yoga classes. A birth rehearsal evening on Thursday, 14th June and 5th July for you to learn breathing techniques to keep calm and your partner to learn massage! If you are curious about taking up yoga then come to the TASTER DAY on 30th June at the Centre.

Yoga Energy and the importance of breathing Increases your energy and vitality through postures and breathing from pregnancy to labour.

Relaxation to overcome stress, sleepless nights and bond with baby.

Classes are on Mondays and Tuesdays - Sign up at the Holistic Centre or email Irena direct for further information:

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